June 3, 2013

Stitch Fixed

I literally jumped up and down in excitement when I saw my Stitch Fix had arrived. It was suppose to arrive last Friday on my Birthday, but I forgot I had gotten a new Debit Card after I had filled out my info for them, so they couldn't get it out till I fixed that. So I was a little bummed to have to wait. But it came on our Anniversary, so I sorta justified it with the fact that it was a special day for us.

 The fact that it said "Your Stylist" made me feel special. 

 I was super happy with the color choices in the box, how do they know me so well?

 Thanks to the hubs, who took time to photograph me, it was fun.

 So 1st I got this white tank. It fit ok, and I like white shirts, but it was a bit pricey. I felt the material was a little thin. So it was a...NAY...for me.

 The black skinny jeans were a great addition, I actually would love a pair, but I couldn't get over the length not being right. See how I had to roll them up. Notice the name, ankle biter, oh how I wish they fit right. Bummer. So it was a NAY...for me.

(Size 27, hmm...had no idea there were women's jeans that were sized that way)

 And then there's this beautiful royal blue tank. The fabric was very nice, and the buttons, gold colored added nice detail. I just couldn't get myself to pay the price...so it's a NAY for me.

 And then there was this dress, I couldn't wait to try on. If you look at the picture of when I first opened the box you'll see the clothes were tied in the nice mint chevron tie that goes with this dress.  I fell in love with this dress. And so I'm a... YAY... for this one. (I've already bought it so it's MINE!)

 And then there was this beautiful MAXI dress. I fell in LOVE with it at first sight. It fit nicely, except for the back. I was so bummed!! If I had a taylor I could get it fixed, but I have to say NAY...really bummed about that. The material was a really nice heavy/solid fabric and the front detail was amazing.

  Each item came with a tag like this. I'd really like to get a nice blazer to pair with it. 

I know this wasn't as fun for you as it was for me. But if you'd like to get in on the Stitch Fix go through this link:


...thanks, it was super fun!


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