
January 2, 2012

Some fav. Baby Items.


When Ashlyn was a baby I blogged about her first year. I stopped, and sadly never started it up again. But I have a blog post that I want to sorta replicate because I feel it was noteworthy. Some you may disagree, and that's ok. But I wanted to post a list of items that I have tried, used, with our babies & loved. 

Here it goes...

1. Most babies a month after birth develop cradle cap. This is the first product I tried, other than olive oil, to help with our kids scalp problem. And to be honest I am very satisfied with the results. A big reason why I decided to buy more of this product was the length of time I had it in the bath tub before I had to replace. A year later I was still using the same bottle. So with the results, & length of the product lasting, I decided paying a little extra was worth it.

2. Happy Baby food products have always made me happy. They would be called happy mommy if I named them, lol. They are organic, healthy, and most are easy for kids to self feed themselves. LOVE. I stock up on these during the summer months or when we go on vacation. Worth the few extra bucks. And Market Basket has them! Yay!!

3. I put the Munchkin brand sippy cup here because both our kids use this cup. It's the perfect "first cup." Easy to use and doesn't cause a mess. Also it doesn't cost as much as some of the other cups. So worth it to me.

4. Halo makes this sleep sack & I fell in love the first time our kids slept good during the night wearing one. They keep the kids warm & they don't even have to wear pjs under them when the temp gets a bit warmer. A little extra sleep means a lot to a new mom. 

5. We used Johnny Jump Up for both our kids. I have to say I love how much our kids enjoy it. Our second, Carter, uses the Jump Up most days.  It's a lifesaver having a 2 year old who is very busy & loves her brother. It's nice to have a little break from Ashlyn being rough with her brother. And it doesn't take up space. 

6. Amazon MOM isn't really an item, but it sure is one of my favorite places to shop for diapers/wipes. When you sign up you get cheaper deals, free shipping & automatically become an Amazon Prime member. Boo ya! So all our shopping for Christmas was free shipping & 2 day shipping. Sadly, there is now a waiting list to get on it. But get on it now. You never know when it'll let you in. Oh & when you click on Subscribe & save you get a better deal. Check it out & see.

Click here to get on the waiting list: Amazon Mom

So I know that isn't a normal number to end on. But that's what I got for now. I'm sure I could think of a few more if I let myself, so who knows maybe I'll do a continue list sometime soon. 

Tomorrow I'm gonna post a blog about some yummy food I made tonight. Can't wait. 

Moms, do you have any favorite baby items? Toddler items? 



  1. LOVE Mustela! Macey and Brogan didnt have cradle cap, but both have eczema and its so gentle! Lasts forever too!!!

  2. Bethany.
    I have yet to try the other products...Good to know though=)

  3. I've only been a mom now for 15 weeks, but some must haves for our little one have been, a swing, bouncer, medela pump, many onesies (for those all too often blowouts!), and a mobile for over the changing table. I'm sure those needs will change soon and we'll have new ones but for now we couldn't live without them!
