
January 1, 2012

happy new year.

I decided to make a list of the things I want to accomplish in 2012. This list does not mean I will do it, although I hope to. I just wanted a list to be able to compare at the end of the year of the things I actually did do. We'll see how many I can check off or at least be satisfied in. I'm not very good at keeping up with a list, so I kept it simple. But I wanted to do 12 things in 2012, oh boy!

Here they are. In no particular order.

1. Run my first 5k. I know I said I would run one in 2011. That means I want to do one more than ever.

2. Learn how to crochet. Another one of those I wanted to do this past year.

3. Sew something for Ashlyn & Carter.

4. Be more organized with our weekly food menu.

5. Grow a garden from scratch. We've had a hard time last year, but I want to actually do it this year. Josh will most likely be managing that. 

6. Go away with Josh for a night or two. (no kids) -- We're hoping to go to Soulfest this summer since we bought tix, so that could be 4 days without kids. ;)

7. Follow the 52 week cleaning list. (here)

8. Memorize scripture. (and teach Ashlyn a few simple verses)

9. Read more non fiction.

10. Make it through 2012 satisfied with where my Blog is going.

11. Shop smarter.

12. Organize our basement. It needs a little tlc. We're also planning on renovating it soon. So a little cleaning will be necessary for that too. yikes!

Oh how I love the new year. A fresh start. Don't we all need one. =)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking to the 52 weeks to an Organized Home challenge, and for joining them yourself. Please keep me updated on how it's going for you over the course of the year.
