December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hey there. =)

It's been a really fun Holiday season. Having two kids now does have its challenges, but it also has its many blessings. I've been doing a whole lot more thinking than I ever have about Christmas & what comes with the territory and having kids. I think mainly it's because having two kids brings a lot more into the season than it ever was with just the two of us. Like for example, would we introduce Santa,  Christmas on a Sunday & all those crazy conversations that come from that, what about Advent, what will we do Christmas Eve as a family, how will we work out Christmas' with both sides of the family, yada yada yada. All in all, I am so blessed to teach Ashlyn, and one day Carter, the true meaning of Christmas. The real reason we even have a holiday. It's been neat seeing Ashlyn learn how to sing a few carols, know where to find Baby Jesus in our home, & see the light in her eyes as she opens a gift (she has only opened one so far and it was really cute). Funny how she is also at the age where we have to teach her to share, really getting deeper into the Christmas Season, teaching her to share seems quite appropriate don't you think. 

Our memories so far... Decorated our house outdoors for the first time. Can't wait till the kids are old enough to appreciate it. Made Christmas cookies with my mom, sister in law & her friend and even took them to Hobby Lobby. Their first time, I think they liked it.  Took the kiddos shopping more than I normally would have & survived. Had Josh's sister take our Christmas photos. Thanks Amanda! Went shopping as a family & even managed to get gifts for the hubs. Had a family dinner date at Red Robin. WE HAVE A RED ROBIN. YES! Had our tree fall for the first time, and no kids were involved. (and no one was hurt) Enjoyed watching Home Alone together (early Christmas gift from the hubbs), we laugh sooo hard at that one, love laughing with my man. Looking forward to the second one which we'll watch this week sometime. (I think I like that one better) Drank a yummy Peppermint Milkshake from Chic-fil-a (yes it had to be put here, my hubbie brought one home last night, it's noteworthy!)

(Doesn't that look delish?)

So ya, I'm really blessed to have an amazing little family (or large really). We made so many memories. I love that!  Looking forward to celebrating with the extended family the birth of our SAVIOUR this weekend & making more memories. Hope it doesn't just end there. I mean really, we should be reminding ourselves daily of the life Jesus lived and sacrifice he did for us. 
Thank you! 

I'll leave you with our Christmas Card. 
Sorry for the bad quality, it's a photo of a photo, the photos are actually crystal clear quality.
(photos by: AB PHOTOGRAPHY)

Merry Christmas!!

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