
February 14, 2012

The Valentine Entry. (diy craft included)

Hey I apologize if today is a hard day for you. I understand it's not always fun to see people in love when you are single or recently broken up. I was there. But why not be the valentine for that someone who needs it. A child or friend. Take them out. Make them feel special. I feel like why not take advantage of the day, instead of being sad. And again I apologize if today is hard still.

It's one of my fav days, again I think I like it for the colors and the excuse to go out with the hubbs. It was really sweet waking up to two large mylar balloons in the kitchen attached to two cards. It's really fun having kids and getting to share the holidays with them. I want our little girl to know her Daddy is her first love (until the day she comes to know Christ who will then be her first love) and she is loved and cherished even when others don't always make her feel that way. And Carter too, as a boy I hope he gets the respect he needs and feels cherished. Love our kiddos.

I thought I post what I decided to make this Valentine's day. I love getting all crafty and feeling like I'm way smarter than I actually am. I mean if I actually came up with this I'd be genius. Nope. I went to Pinterest for ideas. At first I wanted to make {this}. But I ended up making some beautiful crayon creations. 


Oh don't they look yummy!?
That's what Ashlyn thought as she took a bite out of one. Gatta love the mind of a two year old. She really wanted it to be a cookie. {Ha!} Sorry! :-/

{Our kiddos, just before church a few weeks ago, aren't they adorable?}

Anyways sidetracked I guess. Here's the rundown on things you need to make Valentine Crayons.

 Crayons (use broken ones to get more life out of them)
A heart shaped cupcake or whoopee pie pan, whatever you have on hand.
A sharp knife
Glitter (Optional*)
Cutting board
Paper to attach the crayons to.
Basic lunch bags
Red/pink/heart ribbon

I first preheated the oven at 250F.

Then I peeled (or cut off) all the paper from the crayons. Not easy, but it does come off.

I then took 4 crayons, lined them up, and cut them into smaller pieces. The sharper the knife the better. 

Then take the pieces of crayon and fill the hearts. I did four crayons to each heart.
And then top each heart off with more glitter.

After all the hearts are full of crayon to your liking put the pan in the oven.

After 15 minutes, turn the oven off and leave the pan in the oven. The wax turns to liquid and you don't want to risk burning yourself or making a mess with hot wax.
(leave the oven open if no kids are around)

I took them out when the wax seems to be a bit hard. And then let them cool even more out of the oven.

When they are completely cooled you can now pop them out.
 See how cute they come out?

 And then however you want to do the cards to attach them too, create them.
Some fun saying to put on them are:
 "You Color My World Valentine"
"Have a Colorful Valentine's Day"
"Happy Valentine's Day for 'Crayon' out loud"

Hope this inspires you. I really think that no matter what your "status" is you can still have fun today. Go order yourself a pizza and watch a movie. Or go out and make someone else's day

Here are some verses to really get to the bottom of
 what real "LOVE" is:

1 John 3:16 
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

1 John 4:8 
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Now I have to go do the dirty work and clean the kitchen. But I did just receive (as I was typing) a beautiful bouquet of roses (mixed colors too) at the door. Totally made my day since the hubbs is traveling for the week.

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