
January 27, 2012

Our Valentine {Mantle?}

Happy Friday. 

I love the weekend. More time with the hubbs. ;)

Oh... and today I did some fun stuff. I love to decorate for each holiday. And usually Valentine's Day seems to be the hardest for me. I feel like it's easy to decorate, but I feel it can be tacky more easily than not. haha. Ya, I'm one of those. This year I decided to get crafty and gather all the pink/red I have around the house and create a Valentine's {mantle?} Well, we don't have a mantle. AND, I had to decorate somewhere the kids couldn't get to easyily. Or at all. 

So here is our {mantle}. =)

 (one of the first Willow Tree Angels I got)

 (even our "fishie" got in on it)

(one ikea frame & a few cut out hearts)

 (gatta love a free church family photo!)

Sorry no "before" photo. Just think... nothing. There really wasn't much up there to start. And sorry no distant photo, it never looked clear enough to show on the blog, sorry!

Oh... the hubbs got me these. I'm a huge sucker for fresh flowers. As long as they don't cost 80 bucks. Aren't they gorgeous? And they bring a smile to my face thinking about how close Spring is. Only 2 more months. That's close right ;)

Now I need to figure out what kind of Valentine Cards for the kids (or prob just Ashlyn) to hand out. They have to be practical and cheap. If you have any ideas, let me know. =)

Fun Stuff Fridays

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