
December 4, 2011

Thriving Family Freebee

Hello again,

 I really need to stay on the topic of Advent for this post. Just after I wrote the last one I went through a pile of mail and we had gotten our newest issue of Thriving Family Magazine (Focus on the Family). 
On the cover it mentioned having an Advent Insert. 
 As I looked more into this new issue I also realized that they now have an iphone/ipad, or any smartphone really, app for Thriving Family. NEAT! You can download the latest magazine issue & the Advent insert as well. (Or click here to find the advent insert from the website) 
So that’s a fun free thing you can look at today & read until Christmas. Each day has a craft or thing to do as a family as well. Gatta love it! I hope to keep sharing free things as I find them. It’s always nice to not have to “pay” for everything. 
And yesterday we decided it was time to get our Christmas Tree; little did we know how expensive it is to get a real tree. Really 50-60 bucks?? I'm pretty sure we cut one down for that price a few years back, and we lived in a pretty pricey area. So we decided to check out Lowes where we picked out a beautiful Fraser Fir for almost half that. Phew! 

 Carter even got a ride with the tree...ha!

 There she is! And let me tell you she smells sooo good!
 Ashlyn setting up the Nativity.
 See. =)
Trying my hand at some photos of Carter. 


Let's remember the reason for the season. It's neat to be able to share it with Ashlyn now that she is a bit older. She's only rearranged the Nativity scene like five times already. Gatta love it. =)

Do you get a real tree, fake, cut your own? How much did you pay this year? Just curious.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Hey melissa! I've been enjoying reading your blog! I've got to get better at posting more often like you! Anyway, we just got our tree down here in rhode island and paid $35 for a pre cut tree at our local feed store. We were hoping to venture out and cut one down but time is limited now with a little one who still eats every 2 hours!!
