
December 2, 2011


Today I had the privilege to attend Russ Bryant's Funeral. I know it's not usual to be a privileged to attend a funeral, but really read his Obituary & you'll know what I mean. Or at least a glimpse of it. Wish everyone could have heard how this man has influenced others for Christ. It was a good day! Although we know the next few weeks are going to be the hardest for his wife & family, pray for them. 

Russell Duval Bryant 1934-2011 

Russell Bryant was born in Plaistow, NH on June 19, 1934. He was the son of the late Harold and Dorothy (Sawyer) Bryant. He graduated from Northeastern University in Boston with a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering. Russell served in the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Army Reserves (Airborne). In 1965, having trusted in Christ as his Lord and Savior, Russ and his wife Barbara with two other couples, co-founded the Monadnock Bible Conference in Jaffrey Center, NH. Russell served as Director of the Camp and Conference Center for over 38 years before his retirement in September of 2004. Through its ministry of Bible teaching and fun activities, the camp has had a personal and spiritual influence in the lives of thousands of individuals, both young and old, throughout the New England area. Children throughout the Monadnock area will remember their weeks of camp at the Indian Village Day Camp. Monadnock developed a variety of retreats including winter weekend camps for teens, married couples, singles, ladies and men's retreats. The camp has also ministered to the blind, deaf, and handicapped. In 1983, Russell caught a burden for helping the poor in Haiti. Arm and arm with Haitian nationals, The Monadnock Bible Conference has raised money and has lead teams to build schools, clinics, orphanages and churches throughout Haiti. Of the 139 trips the Conference has now sponsored, Russell participated in many trips to Haiti by either helping others capture a vision for the needs there or in leading medical and work teams. As one Haitian wrote recently, "We all want to thank you for all that you have done in Haiti for so many people. Your imprints will forever be here, all done because of HIM and for HIM!!" A young man wrote to Russell, "As I've traveled around Haiti, I've found that whenever I run into someone who knows you they always say something like, "I love that man." I know there are countless in Haiti who not only love you, but love Jesus as well because oftheir interaction with you." He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Barbara A. (Milot) Bryant who he married on August 10, 1957; three sons Timothy, Dann and John and their families which include eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.A funeral service will be conducted at Jaffrey Bible Church on Friday, December 2, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. with the Rev. Roland Mitcheson officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be sent to the Monadnock Bible Conference to be divided between the Bible Conference and Haiti ministry.

I would end the entry right there if I didn't have another fun thing to share. I was thinking I would send you with something fun to look at. Go to the right side of my blog & click on this button

This was one of the first blogs I visited where I thought "WOW." Basically in a few words she posts daily on Before and After projects. For some reason we always love to see a transformation. And it's neat to see things before they looked pretty. Makes me think, "I can do that". Check it out!! 

Ok. There we go.

So yesterdays question didn't get a response. Oh well. Maybe you are just scared to be the first. I was trying to get you to comment. 

So today's question is...

Do you have friday traditions in your family?? We try to make homemade pizza and enjoy the night together. Tonight we're gonna try to have a date night in. 

Please comment. I just want to get people involved cuz that's what makes this all the more fun for me. And I guess I'll wait and see if anyone comments on that last post. Read it to see what I mean? (wink*)

Merry to make some yummy pizza!! Mmm.

1 comment:

  1. Friday night is usually "date night" in our house. We tell the girls we are having a special date and they get to eat popcorn and watch a movie. Most Fridays we also get takeout to start our date, but that is mostly because I am exhausted and can't even think about cooking dinner. - Janice :-)
