
December 20, 2011

Some things I'm Pinterested in.

I wanted to showcase a few of my latest Pinterest finds, in no particular order. I hope you find them to be inspiring.

1. Now all my family is gonna make sure I have this for our Christmas gathering. No promises, but isn't it cute & looks fairly easy to put together. Oh ya, and yummy too!

2. Hmm....I have a sewing machine. Perhaps I should put it to some good use. Looks like this is on the not so easy scale, but perhaps I should try something outside my comfort level. Really cute though, huh?

3. I have a box for each kid with their newborn hat, bracelet, etc. I'll have to see if I can put something together like this. Don't worry I promise a blog entry if I do. 

4. How to personalize anything with your kids name. They explain it in dummy form. I promise. Now I just need something to personalize. Hmmm...

5. Blog post by Jared Wilson -"5 Ways Wives Can Encourage Their Husbands" Our husbands need us to be their biggest supporter. Go it.

Happy Pining,

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